Executive Certificate to be Effective Leader adalah program sertifikasi yang bertujuan untuk membantu para pemimpin eksekutif menjadi lebih efektif dalam mengelola dan memimpin tim mereka. Program ini mencakup berbagai topik penting seperti kepemimpinan strategis, manajemen waktu dan sumber daya, komunikasi efektif, dan pengembangan tim.

Program ini juga menyediakan kesempatan bagi para peserta untuk berlatih dan menerapkan keterampilan yang dipelajari melalui latihan kepemimpinan dan simulasi bisnis. Dengan mengikuti program ini, para pemimpin eksekutif diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan mereka dalam memimpin tim dan mencapai tujuan organisasi dengan lebih efektif.

3 Days, 2 Module Per day

The 6 Modules you will be learning are the following :

Day 1: Identifiying Your Strengths, Talent & Becoming Effective Manager

Module 1   – Strengths and Talents

                     • What is talent. How do you get your strength ?  

                     • Identify your potential strengths and talents you are                                                             

                    born with.

                  • Strengths and Talents you need for the future.

                  • Who is the best judge of your Strengths and   


Module 2  – High Performance Manager

                   • What personal qualities you must have.

                   • Interpersonal skills.

                   • What about work skills.

                   • Check if you are a high performance manager.

Day 2: Managing Low Performance Team with Effective Leadership

Module 3 – High Performance Team

                    • What is a high Performance Team.

                    • Six Effectiveness Factors and Attributes of a

                       Performance Team.

                    • Conventional vs Creative Team.

                    • Whole Brain Team.


Module 4 – Leadership

                    • Leadership and Personality.

                    • T-P Leadership Questionnaires

                    • Value – Based Leadership.

                    • Developing Leaders Assessment of Leadership


Day 3: Identify problem in team and how to solve them & Managing your decision

Module 5 – Team Problem Solving

                    • How do you know when you have a problem.

                    • Team process in problem solving.

                    • Solving problem in team environment.

                    • Team Presentation.


Module 6 – Decision Making

                    • What is Decision making and when do you

                        make it ?

                    • Do you make and analyse your decision ?

                    • The concepts of choice.

                    • How do people make their decisions ?





Executive Certificate in Effective Leadership

4,200,000 4,000,000
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Metode Pelaksanaan Offline
Tanggal Pendaftaran 01 Desember 2022 s/d 09 April 2023
Periode Program 10 April 2023 s/d 12 April 2023

Dr. Abdillah Suffian Abdul Rahim, BA(Hons)., M.Ed., DBA., Ph.D